Kumbhalgarh - Hill Fortress of Mewari Rajasthan

Kumbhalgarh - Hill Fortress of Mewari Rajasthan
Located in the wilderness, at a distance of 100 kms from the tourist\'s paradise of Udaipur, a fort of gigantic proportion stands; a UNESCO World Heritage Site which a majority of tourists and people, generally, tend to ignore. The sole aim of writing this article is to correct that anomaly so that whenever a tourist or traveler plans to visit Udaipur or any destination in Rajasthan he/she does not miss out on a monument with the second largest wall of Asia, which at 36 kms, is second only to the Great Wall of China!
from: http://ezinearticles.com/?Kumbhalgarh---Hill-Fortress-of-Mewari-Rajasthan&id=8884769
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