Where To Go Sailing This Spring - Some Old Favorites and a New Guest Dock

Where To Go Sailing This Spring - Some Old Favorites and a New Guest Dock
Whatever you do this Spring, make sure you get out there; cruise, race, daysail, overnight or just grab a couple of hours and a few friends and share the most wonderful resource this area has, San Francisco Bay. Spending the night in a marina is always possible, given careful planning. Most harbors have vacant slips or a very limited number of transient berths. My favorite overnight harbor spots include: Schoonmaker Point, Sausalito; Jack London Square, Oakland; Corinthian Yacht Club, Tiburon; Redwood Harbor, Redwood City; and Benecia Yacht Club, Benecia.
from: http://ezinearticles.com/?Where-To-Go-Sailing-This-Spring---Some-Old-Favorites-and-a-New-Guest-Dock&id=1102797
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